Best books to read (before you die)
[for teens, moms, business people & others] aims to prepare a listing of book titles & things related to books, like summaries, trivia, art, accessories, and quotes.
People around the globe take up reading for a lot of reasons.
Some want to gain knowledge, to learn a new skill, while some take up reading for pleasure, to relieve stress, to escape.
Moms, or soon-to-be moms, resort to books for answers to their questions (to learn more about pregnancy, child care & how to make the journey easy and memorable).
We don't know what your reason is. Feel free to share.
So whether you are a mom, a dad, a teenager who loves fiction, or an adult starting college, here, at our motto is to provide a comprehensive listing of titles from different genres in one place.
At we list books under categories like fiction, self-help books, top business books, best children books, YA fiction, thrillers, short stories, and summaries (of selective titles). To make it more interesting, we also cover quotes, memes, and fan art for many of the popular fiction works like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.
Here is a comprehensive list of the best books to read ever!! That too category-wise!!!
Best fiction books to read
Check out fiction titles here
Best books to read in your 20s
It is also a time of great learning and exploring new experiences.
These titles are believed to help young adults with topics like identity, dreams, success, ideology, etc.
Best books to read for teens
The majority of teenagers love to read fiction.
Fantasy, historical, or YA romance, there are thousands of titles that you can fill your time with.
Popular titles are listed HERE
9+ Best nonfiction books to read
Taking a break from fiction?
Try some non-fiction titles that are worth reading. Check out the list here.
Many people love both books and traveling.
7+ Best business books to read
Business enthusiasts take up reading to keep themselves motivated and to find practical ways to manage time & money.
Some popular titles in the business books’ genre are listed here:
Best books to read for men
Though it is difficult to generalize what men like when it comes to books, we have a few suggestions that any man would love to read.
No matter the reason, motivation, leisure reading, or something else, check out our list of amazing books that men should read.
6 Best history books to read
The history of a place is very important and you need to analyze it properly from authentic sources to understand what and why of the present.
There are numerous titles published all over the world that are considered as well-researched works, the books that help you delve into the history of a given place with crystal clear clarity. You can start your journey back in time with these titles.
10+ Best books to read when pregnant
When pregnant, the ladies face a lot of physical and psychological changes. In addition to mood swings, there are a lot of questions that they want answers to, especially if the lady is going to give birth for the very first time.
Some of the most famous titles written especially for pregnant women are listed here. *****
11+ Best books to read this summer (on the beach/vacation)
Here are a few good book titles that you can read this summer, on vacation, or on the beach. Everyone needs their me-time irrespective of whether you are on a trip or not. For me, every book is a journey, even when I am devouring the contents at home in my cozy bed.
Check out these titles that could be your best companions on your next trip.
Best books to read while traveling
Here are a few reads that are just great for some quality reading time while on the road. Reading is best if you are traveling by metro or airplane, if you are using a bus, make sure it provides a smooth ride so that it doesn't affect your eyes.
13+ best comic books to read
Everyone loves to take a break from reading to appreciate the genre of comic books.
Here we are listing some of the most popular comic book titles ever.
******Best books to read for knowledge
If you want to expand your self-knowledge, then reading one of these titles is a great way to start:
- Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
- Ego Is The Enemy by Ryan Holiday
- Become What You Are by Alan Watts
- I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont
- The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown
- Grinding It Out by Ray Kroc
- Man’s Search for Meaning By Viktor Frankl
- Meditations By Marcus Aurelius
- Sapiens: A Brief History Of Humankind By Yuval Noah Harari
- The War Of Art By Steven Pressfield
- The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*Ck By Mark Manson
- Getting More: How You Can Negotiate To Succeed In Work And Life By Stuart Diamond
- A Random Walk Down Wall Street: Including A Life-Cycle Guide To Personal Investing By Burton Malkiel
- The Obstacle Is The Way: The Timeless Art Of Turning Trials Into Triumph by Ryan Holiday
11+ Best books to read for beginners
New to reading?
Start with these interesting mix-bag of books.
They are relatively easy to read and have great stores so chances are more that you will continue reading (which is very important for beginners).
Best books for moms to read
Every mom is important and our list would have been incomplete without the mention of some good titles written especially for moms.
Whether looking to get more insights into ways of parenting to help you deal with growing teenage children or just looking for a peaceful read like something that could help you escape a few hours from the mayhem called children, a book can help you miracles.
These books will be a great way to analyze how to attain leadership skills. It's also good for people who are thinking of starting their own businesses.
10+ Best fitness books to read
Resolved to embark on the path to fitness?
It takes a lot of courage, discipline, and determination. It is always a good idea to first research and then prepare your mind and work on your stamina. We would say go slowly and move to a different diet with gradual changes in the exercises.
Our list of titles consists of the most popular fitness books from which you will be able to gain ample knowledge related to fitness and proper diet.
10+ best short books to read
In the mood for a short read? The following titles can be read in or less than a day:
- Animal Farm by George Orwell
- We Love Anderson Cooper
- We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
- The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
- An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good by Helene Tursten
- Tinkers by Paul Harding
- Of Love and Other Demons by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- The Vegetarian by Han Kang
- Sing to It by Amy Hempel
- The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie
- The Final Solution by Michael Chabon
- Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote
- The Alchemist by Paul Coelho | Read Alchemist Summary
- Heartburn by Nora Ephron
8 Best spiritual books to read
- Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 1 by Neale Donald Walsch
- The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
- A New Earth - another work of Eckhart Tolle
- The 40 Rules of Love by Elif Shafak
- The Untethered Soul Written by Michael A. Singer
- The Tao Te Ching - a 4th Century B.C. work by Lao Tzu who was the founder of Taoism
- The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho | Read Alchemist Summary