Best books to read in your 20s

Best books to read in your 20s

Best books to read in your twenties

The 20s is a period of curiosities in one’s life and what better way to open your mind than reading? The following titles are believed to help the young adults to figure out answers to their questions about identity, dreams, etc.

 Beloved by Toni Morrison

 Amusing Ourselves to Death – Neil Postman


Let Your Life Speak – Parker Palmer

52 Cups of Coffee: Inspiring and insightful stories for navigating life's uncertainties by Megan Gebhart

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz

The Boys in the Boat – Daniel James Brown

Into the Wild – Jon Krakauer

The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho

Transitions – William Bridges

Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin

 The Fall by Albert Camus

All the Single Ladies By Rebecca Traister 
