Harry Potter Mug (s) we love [for every occasion, mood and person]

 Harry Potter Mug (s) - List of mugs every Harry Potter fan should have 

Ardent fans of Harry Potter horde a lot of things in addition to the illustrated copies of the books. Like accessories, video games, puzzles, merchandise and MUGS!

You will be surprised to see how many different types of harry-potter-inspired mugs are out there. Though it is impractical to list them all, we can certainly point out the best of the lot. 

Here is a small list of mugs we love that are inspired by Harry Potter Universe. 

Harry Potter Coffee Mug

Harry Potter Coffee Mug
They come in all different sizes and colors, so if you even want a different one for different days of the week, holidays and occasions, on websites like Amazon, you will find ample options. 

Harry Potter Travel Mug

If you love travelling, Harry Potter mug deserves to be the part of your travel mug set. Also, in today's times, planning a vacation takes a lot of time, money and efforts. In order to keep yourself motivated and never give up on the dream of traveling, Harry Potter travel mug is a great way to remind you of your travel goals on a daily basis. 

Harry Potter Changing Mug

Harry Potter Changing Mug

You should buy Harry Potter morphing mug because it is unique and quite interesting to have; it changes color when you pour coffee into it. It is a great way to add magic to your day to day life.

Harry Potter Cauldron Mug

This is another interesting mug you can buy for yourself, a friend or some little witch and wizard. It comes in so many interesting depictions and colors, you will love checking out the options on online or on amazon. This soup mug is great for cold winter nights!!

Harry Potter Mischief Managed Mug

Harry Potter Mischief Managed Mug

This is another mug which children love. The mug reads "I Solemnly Swear That I am up to No Good™" and once you pour coffee into it, the text changes to "Mischief Managed". You can gift it to one of your friends with whom you have shared mischief over the years. 

Harry Potter Grim Mug

Who doesn't remember the iconic scene from Prisoner of Azkaban book where the astrology professor Professor Sybil Patricia Trelawney tells the students about the tea leaves. In the same scene, she predicts that Harry is in grave danger as the tea leaves in his cup has taken the form of a grim which is an omen of death. 

Harry Potter Marauders Map Mug

Harry Potter Marauders Map Mug

This mug is a great way to keep close to some of the best moments in HP series. 

Harry Potter Beer Mug

Harry Potter has fans from all age groups. If your dad or granddad loves Harry and they love beer, harry potter beer mug could be the best gift for them. 

Harry Potter Always Mug

Harry Potter Always Mug

They come with a lot of 'always' moments, like Snape's love for Lily.

Harry Potter Hedwig Mug

Who doesn't love Hedwig, Harry's owl. I even have a mug that has the picture of Harry's  broomstick nimbus 2000. 

Harry Potter Mug Universal Studios

Harry Potter Mug Universal Studios

This is another good mug that you can add to your Harry Potter mug set. 

Why Buy Harry Potter Mugs?

Harry Potter fans don't  need a reason to buy mugs inspired by HP, do we? But even if you need a reason, there are many occasions where you can buy a mug for yourself or as a gift for your loved ones. 

  •  They make for a perfect birthday gift for yourself or a child or a person you think loves Harry Potter.
  • If you want to introduce a teenager to the world of Harry Potter, give them a HP inspired mug and see what happens. (It is a good way to pique their interest and if they ask for the books go ahead, Harry Potter is actually a good way to introduce reading to a child. The chances of developing a reading habit is maximum with books like Harry Potter.)
  • They makes for a great meaningful Christmas or new year gift for old friends; you can even personalize them according to what they like.
  • These mugs come with lots of Harry Potter quotes that can help keep you motivated or just happy. 
